2023-07-28 17:23:41

Do you REALLY need a camera as a photographer?

Is an investment up to Rs.2,00,000 necessary so that you can put "photographer" in your bio? The photography industry is booming in rapid growth, and the equipment is in major demand, but are they really necessary? I mean, do you actually need a DSLR? We don't think you need to own a camera to call yourself a photographer - Why? Keep reading as we have narrowed down the reasons why photography depends on a person's perception rather than the products that the person uses for photography.

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2023-07-28 12:31:55

Capturing Forever: The Art of Wedding Photography

A wedding is a celebration of love, a joyous occasion that marks the beginning of a lifelong journey for two souls. As couples embark on this beautiful adventure together, they want every moment of their special day to be captured in all its glory. This is where the magic of wedding photography comes into play. A skilled wedding photographer has the unique ability to freeze time and preserve precious memories for generations to come.

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