2023-07-28 17:23:41

Do you REALLY need a camera as a photographer?

Is an investment up to Rs.2,00,000 necessary so that you can put "photographer" in your bio? The photography industry is booming in rapid growth, and the equipment is in major demand, but are they really necessary? I mean, do you actually need a DSLR? We don't think you need to own a camera to call yourself a photographer - Why? Keep reading as we have narrowed down the reasons why photography depends on a person's perception rather than the products that the person uses for photography.

Owning a camera: Is it necessary?

Firstly, there are two ways through which you can look at the question raised above.

If you are into professional photography and are getting paid to perform shoots, you must own a decent DSLR or at least a basic camera because you are creating art for other people. In contrast, if you are in desperate search of art around you and want to capture it as a memory from a timeline for self-pleasure, then a DSLR or a camera is not in demand because it's for you. Plus, it does not matter if you own a camera or not, but if you have the potential to fix focus on your subject and have the right perspective on things, you could capture an award-winning photograph in a simple five-inch Rs.10,000 smartphone.  That's the magic of photography. 

Your Android phone vs DSLR: What's the difference?

For somebody who knows what they are doing or at least has understood the assignment and the art form, we believe that gears play a secondary role because your potential is first priority. The prime difference between your mobile camera and a professional DSLR is the advancement and infusion of digital technology, but the catch is your perspective. As mentioned earlier, if you have what it takes to be an artist (referred to the photographer), you could capture and make the most out of any device that you own as a third eye or a lens. If we have to talk from personal experience encountered within our team, we'd definitely suggest a DSLR only if you need an upgrade. If not, mobile photography is the best!

Yes, DSLRs will top the game considering the specifications and features, but it is not a MUST to be a photographer. Yet, if you want to "become" a photographer, then upgrading is better.  We are sorry if you are confused at this state, but listen, it ultimately depends on you.  Are you feeling "why is the ball in my court now?" Well, that's how things work. Literally.

Say somebody, ask you what you used to write? A pen or pencil?  Undoubtedly, we'd say both or pick one from the options. Regardless, your handwriting will not change or make a difference in the way you write.  We'd suggest applying the same handwriting formula to your photography. The device is only a gateway to what you are going to do with it because the rest is up to you to decide. 

Final thoughts

Now that we have discussed the use of your mobile camera and a professional camera, the verdict comes down to your usage. Yet, if you ask us about buying a brand new camera, to begin with, we'd come close to you and say "USE YOUR PHONE FIRST" like a typical dad. After complete experimentation with your budget phone's camera model, if you feel that an upgrade is necessary, without a doubt, start exploring camera availability and go for it. Until you reach the point where you actually feel that a camera is necessary or your work relies on it, do not blindly purchase an expensive camera and lose your money all at once. 

Beginner. Amateur. Professional. Everybody started from zero. 

Capture from your phone and start creating memories today!

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